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Best Red Hot Poker Companion Plants

Title: Best Red Hot Poker Companion Plants


Red hot pokers (Kniphofia) are striking plants that add a touch of drama to any garden. Their tall, colorful spikes of flowers can be seen from a distance, and they bloom for several weeks in the summer. But red hot pokers can be even more impressive when they're planted with the right companion plants.

In this blog post, I'll share some of the best companion plants for red hot pokers. I'll also discuss the factors you need to consider when choosing companion plants, such as plant height, flower color, and bloom time.

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Here are some of the best companion plants for red hot pokers:

  • Dahlias: Dahlias are another tall, showy plant that blooms in the summer. They come in a wide variety of colors, so you can easily find some that complement your red hot pokers. Image of Dahlias
  • Daylilies: Daylilies are another popular summer bloomer that's easy to care for. They come in a wide variety of colors, so you can find some that match your red hot pokers or create a contrasting color scheme. Image of Daylilies
  • Baptisia: Baptisia is a tall, blue-flowered plant that blooms in the summer. It's a good choice for adding some height and interest to your garden. Image of Baptisia
  • Coneflowers: Coneflowers are a popular choice for pollinator gardens. They come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and purple. Image of Coneflowers
  • Echinacea: Echinacea is another popular pollinator plant. It comes in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white. Image of Echinacea
  • Liatris: Liatris is a tall, spiky plant that blooms in the summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, and white. Image of Liatris
  • Lamb's Ear: Lamb's Ear is a low-growing, silvery-leaved plant that adds texture and interest to the garden. It's a good choice for planting in front of red hot pokers. Image of Lamb's Ear
  • Ornamental Grasses: Ornamental grasses add height and movement to the garden. They can be planted in front of, behind, or between red hot pokers. Image of Ornamental Grasses

When choosing companion plants for red hot pokers, it's important to consider the following factors:

  • Plant height: Red hot pokers can grow up to 6 feet tall, so you'll need to choose companion plants that are the same height or shorter.
  • Flower color: Red hot pokers come in a variety of colors, so you can choose companion plants that complement their color or create a contrasting color scheme.
  • Bloom time: Red hot pokers bloom in the summer, so you'll want to choose companion plants that bloom at the same time or later in the season.


Red hot pokers are stunning plants that can add a touch of drama to any garden. By choosing the right companion plants, you can create a beautiful and colorful display that will last for weeks.

Red hot pokers are a beautiful and dramatic plant that can add a touch of color to any garden. But what plants grow well with red hot pokers?

Here are some of the best companion plants for red hot pokers:

  • Dahlias: Dahlias are a great choice for companion plants because they have similar growing conditions and bloom at the same time.
  • Daylilies: Daylilies are another popular choice for companion plants because they come in a variety of colors that can complement the red hot pokers.
  • Baptisia: Baptisia is a tall, blue-flowered plant that provides a nice contrast to the red hot pokers.
  • Coneflowers: Coneflowers are a versatile plant that can be used as a companion plant for a variety of other plants, including red hot pokers.
  • Sedum: Sedum is a low-maintenance plant that adds a touch of color to the garden in late summer and fall.

For more information about red hot poker companion plants, visit Home Gardening.

FAQ of red hot poker companion plants

What are some good companion plants for red hot pokers?

Red hot pokers are tall, colorful perennials that thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. They can be paired with a variety of other plants to create a beautiful and long-lasting garden display. Some good companion plants for red hot pokers include:

  • Dahlias: Dahlias come in a wide range of colors, so you can find one that complements the color of your red hot pokers. They also have similar growing requirements, so they will thrive in the same conditions. Image of Dahlias
  • Cosmos: Cosmos are another tall, colorful flower that is perfect for pairing with red hot pokers. They come in a variety of colors, including pink, orange, yellow, and white. Image of Cosmos
  • Daylilies: Daylilies are a classic garden flower that is easy to grow and care for. They come in a wide range of colors, so you can find one that matches your red hot pokers. Image of Daylilies
  • Baptisia: Baptisia is a tall, spiky plant that is a striking contrast to the rounded flowers of red hot pokers. It comes in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, and yellow. Image of Baptisia
  • Coneflowers: Coneflowers are a popular garden flower that come in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, and yellow. They are easy to grow and care for, and they make a great addition to any garden. Image of Coneflowers
  • Sedum: Sedum is a low-maintenance succulent that comes in a variety of colors, including green, pink, and yellow. It is a great choice for adding texture and interest to a garden. Image of Sedum
  • Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses add height and movement to a garden, and they make a great contrast to the upright flowers of red hot pokers. Some popular ornamental grasses include miscanthus, pampas grass, and fountain grass. Image of Ornamental grasses

What are some things to consider when choosing companion plants for red hot pokers?

When choosing companion plants for red hot pokers, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Color: Consider the colors of your red hot pokers when choosing companion plants. You want to choose plants that complement each other, not clash.
  • Height: Red hot pokers can grow quite tall, so you'll need to choose companion plants that are the same height or shorter.
  • Sun exposure: Red hot pokers need full sun, so you'll need to choose companion plants that also thrive in full sun.
  • Water needs: Red hot pokers are drought-tolerant, so you'll need to choose companion plants that have similar water needs.

Can red hot pokers be grown in pots?

Yes, red hot pokers can be grown in pots. However, they will need a large pot, at least 18 inches in diameter. The pot should also have drainage holes to prevent the roots from rotting. Red hot pokers grown in pots will need to be watered more frequently than those grown in the ground.

Image of red hot poker companion plants

  1. Dahlias. Dahlias are a popular choice for companion plants with red hot pokers because they bloom at the same time and have similar heights. They come in a wide range of colors, so you can choose ones that complement the colors of your red hot pokers. Image of Dahlias plant
  2. Daylilies. Daylilies are another good choice for companion plants with red hot pokers. They are also tall and bloom at the same time, and they come in a wide range of colors. Image of Daylilies plant
  3. Baptisia. Baptisia is a tall, upright plant with blue or purple flowers. It blooms in early summer, which is before red hot pokers, so it can help to fill in the space before your red hot pokers start blooming. Image of Baptisia plant
  4. Coneflowers. Coneflowers are a popular choice for companion plants with red hot pokers because they come in a wide range of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and purple. They also bloom at the same time as red hot pokers. Image of Coneflowers plant
  5. Sedum. Sedum is a low-growing plant with succulent leaves. It blooms in late summer, which is after red hot pokers, so it can help to extend the flowering season in your garden. Image of Sedum plant
  6. Arborvitae. Arborvitae is a tall, evergreen shrub. It can provide structure and contrast to your red hot pokers. Image of Arborvitae plant
  7. Ornamental grass. Ornamental grass can add height and texture to your garden. It can also help to fill in the space between your red hot pokers. Image of Ornamental grass plant
  8. Yarrow. Yarrow is a low-growing plant with daisy-like flowers. It blooms in summer, which is the same time as red hot pokers. Image of Yarrow plant
  9. Lavender. Lavender is a fragrant plant with purple flowers. It blooms in summer, which is the same time as red hot pokers. Image of Lavender plant
  10. Salvia. Salvia is a tall, upright plant with blue, purple, or white flowers. It blooms in summer, which is the same time as red hot pokers. Image of Salvia plant

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